Resource Material
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
Distributed Learning
- Corporate distributed learning at IBM

- Academic distributed learning at ePals
- Hybrid classes
- Virtual classes
- Free distributed learning
Reusability is " the ability to use the same resource multiple times in multiple ways and in multiple contexts. Some courses that I have taked have been condusive to reusability. Some of of those who have had less of this capability seem to have been hybrid courses. From my experience, these courses are less organized on the online side and everything doesn't always flow as it is intended to do. The challenge of hybrid courses is that both components, face-to face and online, need to be equally well developed if they are to achieve a reusable status.
Rich Media
Rich media, such as video, animation, audia, and simulation, can help people learn in computer-based training environments. Here is an example of rich media utilized for teaching math...
Nanotechnology involves working with the smallest of things and manipulating them. In my field, education, we are constantly battling budget cuts. The first most useful possibility in my mind after learning more about nanotechnology would be utilizing different nanoproducts to preserve energy and cut costs. For example, scientists are working on nanoproducts that are super-thin insulators. These could make our buildings run more efficiently.
Two Roads
When considering the possibility of the future of instructional technology, I would definitely side with the broad and inclusive path. I once did a study on the Japanese model of Kaizen. This means continuous improvement. This could be achieved in the field of instructional technology by encourages openness and letting new ideas be included for continuous improvement.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Section 6
3 Positions for which I might be qualified...
1. Training and Resource Manager – DC Teaching Fellows
Washington, DC
According to the job posting at, "The New Teacher Project (TNTP) helps school districts and states fulfill the promise of public education by ensuring that all students—especially those from high-need communities—get excellent teachers." They are seeking a Training and Resource Manager for our DC Teaching Fellows program. The responsibilities of this position include the following:
· Leading hiring, training, and managing of DCTF training staff
· Implementing TNTP’s curricular framework and materials based on District initiatives, culture, and organization
· Developing and implementing an operations and communications plan for the Training Institutes
· Planning for Training Institute opening and closing ceremonies including securing speakers, panelists, workshop presenters, etc.
· Assisting with the management of pre-Institute Fellow activities like school observations
· Recruiting, hiring, and training Cooperating Teachers to work with Fellows during both Institutes
· Ensuring Fellows meet the objectives of the Training Institute curriculum
· Ensuring students participating in our school program during Institute achieve rigorous academic goals
· Developing and maintaining relationships with District staff
· Ensuring that each group of participants becomes a well connected cohort of teachers with a positive culture
· Assessing faculty performance in order to continually improve Training Institute quality
· Overseeing Fellow performance management and evaluation
· Collecting, tracking, and analyzing Fellow performance data and trends
Support Responsibilities include but are not limited to:
· Acting as the main contact person for Fellow instructional concerns
· Providing and/or coordinating classroom observations for Fellows
· Producing and distributing monthly newsletters for the DCTF program
· Planning and facilitating regular professional development meetings during the school year
· Identifying development areas for struggling Fellows and developing targeted improvement plans
· Developing structures to ensure that Fellows fulfill our program mission of increasing student achievement
· Collaborating with the DC Practitioner Teacher Program (the licensure program for DCTF, also implemented by TNTP) to ensure a smooth transition from the pre-service training experience to the school year.
Although I am not experienced in the DC public schools, I am experienced in low-income, high need schools, and I am also have a specialization in training and development and adult learners. I see this position to be one that I could hopefully perform well.
1. Training and Resource Manager – DC Teaching Fellows
Washington, DC
According to the job posting at, "The New Teacher Project (TNTP) helps school districts and states fulfill the promise of public education by ensuring that all students—especially those from high-need communities—get excellent teachers." They are seeking a Training and Resource Manager for our DC Teaching Fellows program. The responsibilities of this position include the following:
· Leading hiring, training, and managing of DCTF training staff
· Implementing TNTP’s curricular framework and materials based on District initiatives, culture, and organization
· Developing and implementing an operations and communications plan for the Training Institutes
· Planning for Training Institute opening and closing ceremonies including securing speakers, panelists, workshop presenters, etc.
· Assisting with the management of pre-Institute Fellow activities like school observations
· Recruiting, hiring, and training Cooperating Teachers to work with Fellows during both Institutes
· Ensuring Fellows meet the objectives of the Training Institute curriculum
· Ensuring students participating in our school program during Institute achieve rigorous academic goals
· Developing and maintaining relationships with District staff
· Ensuring that each group of participants becomes a well connected cohort of teachers with a positive culture
· Assessing faculty performance in order to continually improve Training Institute quality
· Overseeing Fellow performance management and evaluation
· Collecting, tracking, and analyzing Fellow performance data and trends
Support Responsibilities include but are not limited to:
· Acting as the main contact person for Fellow instructional concerns
· Providing and/or coordinating classroom observations for Fellows
· Producing and distributing monthly newsletters for the DCTF program
· Planning and facilitating regular professional development meetings during the school year
· Identifying development areas for struggling Fellows and developing targeted improvement plans
· Developing structures to ensure that Fellows fulfill our program mission of increasing student achievement
· Collaborating with the DC Practitioner Teacher Program (the licensure program for DCTF, also implemented by TNTP) to ensure a smooth transition from the pre-service training experience to the school year.
Although I am not experienced in the DC public schools, I am experienced in low-income, high need schools, and I am also have a specialization in training and development and adult learners. I see this position to be one that I could hopefully perform well.
2. Instructional Designer
Serco is seeking an Instructional Designer. This position listing details the following requirements in potential applicants:
US Citizenship required, 4 Year Degree, 5 to 7 years experience, masters degree preferred, bachelor’s degree required in Instructional Systems Design, Education, Training/Curriculum Development or related field, 5 to 7yrs of professional experience as an Instructional Designer, Consulting and interacting with clients to assess client needs and maintain client relationships, Master’s Degree preferred, Applying instructional design/curriculum development experience, Implementing change management solutions is a plus, Designing and implementing blended learning solutions is a plus, Federal Government experience is a plus.
According to the job description, the following tasks will be performed:
- Contributes to the design & development of leadership development programs.
- Performs job task analysis and curriculum design.
- Works under the supervision of the Project Manager to develop and document instructor-led, paper-based and technology delivered curricula or performance support solutions.
- Broad knowledge and creative application of principles of instructional design.
- Collaborate on training plans and blended learning implementation strategies.
- Strong consultation skills on design and development of course materials.
- Provide quality assurance and peer reviews on design plans and instructional materials.
- Create professional-level presentation materials.
- Regularly participate in meetings requiring close interactions with various project stakeholders, including clients, SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) and end-users.
- Maintain regular written and verbal communications with the client on the status of various training initiatives.
- Self-direct the work-load and track all work and schedules to ensure that all work is completed within scheduling and budgeting parameters.
- Produce quality results in a fast-paced and dynamic work environment.
- Knowledge of Project Management principles.
- Understanding of blended learning technologies is a plus.
- Broad knowledge of the field of leadership development and performance-centered design.
- Consulting to and supporting member of Federal government senior leadership.
As for my qualifications, I feel confident that I would meet most of these, including the master's degree in Training and Development. The description in the posting also included oral and written skills and ability to be flexible and basically work to one's best with whatever they are given. These are tasks I would feel confident to tackle.
3. Instructional Designer/e-Learning lists a postions from CTG, company currently assisting one of its premiere clients in staffing an Instructional Designer. The job involves planning and creating e-Learning content. The job post describes the primary job responsibilities to include "helping to identify learning objectives and creating storyboards (voiceover scripts, on-screen content, animation guidance) for Flash e-Learning modules while working closely with a team that includes a project manager, graphic designer, multimedia developer, and editor."
Skills Required:
- Instructional design
- Editorial competence
- Experience creating marketing content, animations and graphics
- Strong problem solving skills
- Excellent communication skills
- Strong skills and experience in designing and writing instructional content on technical topics
- Experience developing scripts for voiceover purposes
- Proficient editorial competence, with the ability to follow and apply the Style guidelines where appropriate
- Knowledge of a typical e-Learning or documentation review process
- Understanding of the role of instructional design/development in a product development process
- Strong analytical problem determination/solving skills
- Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written
- Self-motivated to seek information and clarification whenever needed, and incorporate that information into appropriate documentation
- Ability to handle multiple tasks
- Ability to work well in a team
- High degree of organizational skills
- Experience creating marketing content, animations and graphics preferred
What I notice in each of these jobs are requirements for individuals who are strong leaders, capable of working with others, and able to design creative instruction targeted at adult learners. It is exciting to see these opportunities even if I empathize with the author in the regard that so many ID positions are outside of the realm of academia. I looke forward to learning more about the different positions that are out there!
Online Self-Assessments
I found this activity so interesting! I really enjoyed checking out the different links and seeing what tools are out there for career building. As I began to stumble through the first few sites, I took an "Employability Indicator." This informed me that I am qualified for the job I have. Great! I am certain all of those parents of sixth graders would be glad to hear that. Yet what I found interesting about this test was that it also gave numbers on the current job trends in Texas as well as nationally. According to, jobs in instructional training and development are on the rise by 36%. I found this to be quite positive.
After completing the "Employability Indicator," I moved on to the assigned self-assessment. This was much longer and in-depth. It first in what field I would be seeking employment. I listed Training and Development. I soon found, after many lists of questions, that I am 80% qualified to work in this field. That's great in my opinion, because I am aware that I am lacking experience in years. The funny part comes next...I am 50% qualified to be a gaming change person or a booth cashier. This has never even crossed my mind, but I guess I know where to turn if I am ever in need of work! Interestingly enough, social studies teacher was not on the list.
Online Self-Assessments
I found this activity so interesting! I really enjoyed checking out the different links and seeing what tools are out there for career building. As I began to stumble through the first few sites, I took an "Employability Indicator." This informed me that I am qualified for the job I have. Great! I am certain all of those parents of sixth graders would be glad to hear that. Yet what I found interesting about this test was that it also gave numbers on the current job trends in Texas as well as nationally. According to, jobs in instructional training and development are on the rise by 36%. I found this to be quite positive.
After completing the "Employability Indicator," I moved on to the assigned self-assessment. This was much longer and in-depth. It first in what field I would be seeking employment. I listed Training and Development. I soon found, after many lists of questions, that I am 80% qualified to work in this field. That's great in my opinion, because I am aware that I am lacking experience in years. The funny part comes next...I am 50% qualified to be a gaming change person or a booth cashier. This has never even crossed my mind, but I guess I know where to turn if I am ever in need of work! Interestingly enough, social studies teacher was not on the list.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Trends and Issues in Various Settings
Instructional Design in Business and Industry
When searching for a useable example of rapid prototyping, I found myself a fish out of water. The concept I understand quite well, rapid prettying “involves the development of a working model of an instructional product that is used early in a project to assist in the analyses, design, development, and evaluation of an instructional innovation.” (Reiser & Dempsey) As an educator, this makes complete sense for me, but once I dove into business and industry, I was a bit daunted by engineering and machining terminology. Yet once I sifted some of the examples which I found, it was clear that this process is valued in the creation and implementation of any project, whether it be for instruction, business, or industry. Specifically in education, we see classroom management software and applications as quite valuable, but often these programs can be more trouble than they are worth. By giving instructors the opportunity to use a prototype of any new software for teaching, such as lesson planning programs, they are able to enhance the product through feedback and are more likely to use it once it is fully developed.
Full Spectrum Training Suggestions
If I were asked to offer suggestions to the military to use technology in training where little electronic access was available, I would attempt to provide lessons that would be compatible with or without that access. My first task would be to assess what tools would be available and what my target audience would be. Then, I would design lessons that would be available in a variety of formats, all of which could be printed if necessary. This way, paper versions could be copied only if needed. For example, one location may have access to a computer lab where learners could listed to lessons, participate in web-based quizzes, and take notes on printed outlines, but another location may only be able to print one copy and project it with a document camera for the class. The goal would be to incorporate the plans and learning theory necessary to facilitate the learning in a train-the-trainer setting that could perpetuate gained knowledge from low to high ranked learners in multiple settings.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Human Performance and Electronic Support
Human Performance in MY Field
I hate to be such a pessimist, but given the running history of the job of being a teacher, there are certainly performance problems on which I could harp. Now let us not be misled with the opening sentence. This is not going to be one of those rants about how any bad teacher will almost never be fired. That is a completely different performance problem. I was thinking more along the lines of teachers whose performances wane because they have little to no morale and no incentive for improvement.
I hate to be such a pessimist, but given the running history of the job of being a teacher, there are certainly performance problems on which I could harp. Now let us not be misled with the opening sentence. This is not going to be one of those rants about how any bad teacher will almost never be fired. That is a completely different performance problem. I was thinking more along the lines of teachers whose performances wane because they have little to no morale and no incentive for improvement.
In this case, we will examine Cells 1 through 3 in the great state of Wisconsin. As proclaimed by the infamous “No Child Left Behind” legislation, there are standards in each state that would fulfill many of the descriptors of Cell 1, but wait, and then there is Cell 2, resources? Do teachers need things with which to educate? As we move to Cell 3, there is the big (forgive the lack of tact in this one) “slap in the face” with the “adequate financial incentives contingent on performance.” This could certainly lead into the merit pay argument (no comment and we will not go there…today), but what about simply getting paid? The governor of Wisconsin is currently trying to remove collective bargaining rights from teachers in the state. If this effort is a success, what will the consequences in the area of human improvement be? There are already barriers in the education environment that make it difficult for these cells to be adequate in the achievement of human performance. In light of these attacks on educators in the state of Wisconsin, I think it is quite possible that they will be hard pressed to find individuals to fill the remaining Cells 4 though 6. Am I overreacting? It is quite possible, but since this exercise is for the purpose of addressing a human performance problem in my field, I find it only fitting to address a current problem that is not only the problem of those in Wisconsin but for us all. When people in any profession are not provided with the tools and resources they need and awarded with adequate pay, they have no reason to continue in that field. The only saving grace here is that there are people who are still out there willing to do it for the kids and the greater good of society.
Electronic Performance Support Systems
According to PC Magazine, and electronic performance support system, or EPSS is "a computer system that provides quick assistance and information without requiring prior training to use it. It may incorporate all forms of multimedia delivery as well as AI techniques such as expert systems and natural language recognition." (,2542,t=electronic+performance+support+system&i=42707,00.asp)Although the concept of EPSS's is one of streamlining information, training, and tasks, they are not used as widely as one may think. One of the reasons for this may be the learning curve that comes with adapting to a new EPSS. For example, although I am a "digital native," I find it somewhat daunting every time my job demands that I learn a new EPSS, such as lesson generating systems, student data systems, and so on. One company that has been consistent with their applications is Apple, but unfortunately, not all schools and business run on Apple machines. If EPSS's for specific tasks and professions had the consistency with which Apple approaches their products, it is less likely that each one would not be another attempt to reinvent the wheel.
Blended Learning
Currently at my place of work, an intermediate school in northeast Texas, we have adopted a new concept they call "Club Friday." Basically, each teacher had to tell the adminstrators something they would be willing to sponsor and are now spending fourty-five minutes each Friday working with kids who have the like interest. My club in gardening. I think you can learn a lot from working in the dirt. My interests asides, this blended learning effort has also incorporated data about children who may also need mentoring, study skills help, or language scaffolding. There are clubs for these high need areas as well as outlets for those who may not normally get an opportunity to learn how to do things like sew, cook, or take photos. What we had to do collectively as a school was combine what we knew about our students and our teachers, not an easy task. This involved everything from testing data retrieved through DMAC to surveys of teachers on campus. Somehow, our counselor was able to combine all of this into one grand list that matched students with what they needed and hopefully wanted to do on "Club Friday." The ultimate goal here is that they want to learn SOMETHING, and I do believe it is going alright...
Informal Learning
I hope I address this effectively. I am always learning. So when asked to think about learning I have had in an informal setting, I am not sure what the best example would be. I am a project person. Every day I am working on something, and since I am a teacher, most of my learning experiences these days are in formally planned settings. Some of my most memorable "informal" settings would probably be when I was working on my undergraduate degree in history and political science. There was much time spent on group projects and class discussions. There were many late nights that seemed to go on in debate about issues old and new. I especially enjoyed it when we were allowed to compare the Reformation in Europe to an excerpt from The Daily Show's "This Week in God" with Stephen Colbert (when he was still on with Jon Stewart). As I reminisce, I am coming to the conclusion that my best informal learning experiences are when the leader has allowed for thought, creativity, and autonomy. When one has ownership, they will commit their heart.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Evaluating, Implementing, and Planning Instructional Programs
I. Models for Evaluating Instruction
A. The ADDIE Model
A. The ADDIE Model
Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate
The ADDIE Model includes five phases through which the learning environment and learner characteristics are identified. This is one of the most popular models used for instructional design and evaluation. One analyzes their audience, designs and researches material, develops the activity, implements the activity, and conducts both formative and summative evaluations of the lesson or project.
Source: from the users.
B. Formative Evaluation Design Reviews
Goal ReviewConduct a formal needs assessment and review the learning goal.
Review of Environment and Learner AnalysisAfter data has been collected; instructional designers should consider the environment and analyze the learners.
Review of Task AnalysisReview the task for completeness.
Review of Assessment Specifications and BlueprintsReview assessment items to determine if they are effective blueprints for achieving the intended goal.
Source: Instructional Design (2nd ed.) Smith, P. and Ragan, T. (1999). New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
II. Facebook
When given the assignment to discuss the perceived attributes of a recent technological innovation in my social system, the most blatant example for me would have to be Facebook. Perceived attributes are a component of adoption and diffusion theory as described by Everett Rogers in his work Diffusion of Innovations. According to Rogers, this concept refers to the how potential adopters form their opinions of newly introduced innovations. These opinions may be based on a variety of factors, not simply a relative advantage. Of the five key attributes that Rogers identified, relative advantage is listed alongside four others: compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability. What this means is that people want to know if something is “compatible with their values, beliefs and needs; is not too complex; can be tried out before adoption, and has observable benefits” (Reiser & Dempsey, 2007). To anyone who has used Facebook, it is clear that each of these five attributes is characteristic of this application as a technological innovation. For example, one may customize their account to meet their values, beliefs, and needs; it is not too complex; can be tried and cancelled; and has observable benefits in both private and public realms.
I find it only fitting to include an example of Facebook’s most recent victory:
Whether one agrees with the current situation in Egypt or not, the level of organization and instruction incorporated in such protests has most definitely been due to the power of technology and social networking.
III. Situational Leadership
If I were given a task of designing professional development sessions about technology for teachers, the first thing I would want to do is contact the teachers. Rather than begin with an environment of inefficiency, it would be more productive to survey the teachers as to what it is they want and need to learn. I might even contact them with social networking, texting, or email, and then use a web-based suryvey tool. After assessing these needs, I would look to find the most productive way to present sessions. This stage of organization would be of the utmost importance, because it would involve time and creativity. For that reason, I would attempt to involve the learners in this design process. There might be a teacher who already has a whiteboard set up in his room, or there may be a yearbook sponsor who would be willing to conduct a series on digital cameras, and so on. By creating ownership and trust, I would hope to build a schedule of needed sessions that are beneficial for the learners involved. Once establishing that schedule, I would communicate it widely to all involved. This communication could be done on a school website with links a calendar of events, relevant websites, necessary supplies, and contact information. Naturally, all things human have their hiccups, and upon closure of the professional development, I would ask that all participants complete a survey to better meet the demand of teachers learning needs in the future. This could be done formatively during each session, but using and summatively on paper or with a web-based survey instrument.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Some argument to learning theories...
As perceptions of learning are changing in the digital age, so are theories. This is certainly no effort to "buck the system," but I find the alternative views on learning theory interesting. If we are all different, we don't all learn the same way, right? This link is simply some food for thought...
George Siemens
Technology Enhanced Knowledge Research Institute
Theories and Models of Learning and Instruction
Learning Goal: to understand how to create a presentation using technology.
Learning theories utilized: constructivism and cognitivism.
Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction:
Gagne's Model as it Compares with the Learning Principles from Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology (Dempsey & Reiser, 2007) :
How one might use the whole-task approach, scaffolding, and mathemagenic methods to help students learn to perform a task:
To achieve the above listed learning goal, I could incorporate many different approaches to learning, including the whole-task approach, scaffolding, and mathemagenic methods. · The whole task approach utilizes the entire process as a whole, a great way to learn using technology. In this case, student’s first step would be sitting in front of a computer and beginning their task.
· Scaffolding is an approach that instructors may incorporate to help students learn beyond their actual development, with only necessary assistance, to expand into their “zone of proximal development,” as described by Lev Vygotsky (1978). In creating presentation, with any selected presentation software, educators might incorporate scaffolding by assisting students with only what they need. For example, I teach sixth grade, and almost all of my students know how to use PowerPoint. There is no reason to teach them how to do what they already know, but some may need help incorporating hyperlinks, video, sound, animation, etc. in their presentations.
· Through the mathemagenic approach, students apply higher-level thinking skills to collect information, dissect information, and synthesize information to determine which data is valid. This approach is most important in the research process of gathering information for a presentation. If a student is creating a product to present what they have learned by the Renaissance, they must decipher through what they have found and determine if the sources are reputable. Then they must find the most effective method for synthesizing that information which they have collected.
So what are the benefits of engaging in design research?
Regardless of an educator's area of expertise, learning is learning. We all learn differently, and whether one aspires to be an instructor of pedagogy or andragogy, they will never be able to reach their audience effectively if they have not taken the time perfect their craft. The research on instructional design evolves just as our society does, and these continuous changes make every instructor's awareness and engagement in design research all the more pertinent.
So what are the benefits of engaging in design research?
Regardless of an educator's area of expertise, learning is learning. We all learn differently, and whether one aspires to be an instructor of pedagogy or andragogy, they will never be able to reach their audience effectively if they have not taken the time perfect their craft. The research on instructional design evolves just as our society does, and these continuous changes make every instructor's awareness and engagement in design research all the more pertinent.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Review of a Cross-Curricular Approach
The rationale for conducting the "Energy technology: a cross-curricular approach in Japan" study was two-fold (Journal of Technology Studies, 30 (2), 123-128, Hirai, S., Ohiwa, O., Shinde, M., King, C., & Yamazaki, S. (2004)). According to the authors, the first purpose was to “develop and reflect upon a new energy technology curriculum at the lower secondary school level using an action research method,” and the second purpose was to “determine the effect of collaborative activities, with the families of the pupils enrolled in the curriculum, as a means to help develop pupils’ cross-curricular competence.” The research utilized was from a variety of strands. Of the key components of the study were the Japanese standards for technological education, around which some areas of the study were organized and expanded. The authors also drew from a variety of comparative studies about technology education as well as literature which presented studies about social accountability in technological education. The purpose was to determine, through action research, the collaboration of students, their families, and their communities could enhance and improve their performance and success in their technology education. The researchers of the study also presented how the utilization of cross-curricular approaches and technology portfolios would enhance the pupils’ learning experience through research which aimed at improving student performance through the involvement of family and community. With a heavy focus on social accountability for the use of technology, the study was of participatory research method. The researchers were studying a compilation of issues that involved both the local practice of cross-curricular methods within a grade eight classroom as well as the social issue of family and community involvement in technology education. The participants of the study were of two separate 8th grade technology classes. One class participated in the proposed collaborative curriculum where the other was self-paced. The results certainly spoke for themselves. The student’s of the collaborative study improved steadily where the others stayed the same through the duration of the study. The researchers compiled this quantitative data with qualitative data, which included classroom observations and student interviews.
Personally, as an educator in public school, I found this article relative to what I do every day. We work constantly to maintain parental involvement, and our studies are just as conclusive as these in Japan: when kids have a support system, they are more successful. The presence of social accountability in this research is also vividly important, as technology can present a dichotomy of the unity of knowledge and human separation. What these researchers touch on is the ever more popular desire of the human experience to be braided into the utilization of technology.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
eReaders or Textbooks?
According to and, eReaders are becoming ever more popular in the classroom. Many textbooks are now being offered in the ePub format for use on mobile reading platforms like the Nook, the Sony, and, through an arrangement with Amazon, the Kindle. These readers are hardware designed for reading ebooks. Some libraries are beginning to use Kindles and purchase Kindle books, and with the movement toward open textbooks, some companies are publishing in ebook formats. There are some drawbacks to this new approach to reading. The most common problem is that there is no universal format for these publications. Although PDF and epub formats are the most mainstream, different publications sometimes require different software. Some librarians have also complained about the fragility of the Kindle screens, a problem that may not be worth the cost of repair when a paper book would simply require a piece of tape. As these eReader technologies evolve, instructors, students, and most of all, textbook companies, will be adapting to stay ahead of the curve, but what does this mean for learning standards and the textbook industry? With the changing approach to information being adaptable through applications like Wikis, how will standards be maintained in revisable eReaders? Does that mean we get to add back some of our old Social Studies standards?
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Technology Now and Then
I recently bought a new (at least new to me) house. Of course we brought all of our technological "stuff," like the Wii, televisions, computers, and so on. For several years, I have only had a mobile phone, because there hasn't been a need for a landline. My son Isaac and I were standing in the kitchen the other day. He is eight. He looked up at the wall where there is a phone jack. Apparently the former owner had at some point had a phone hanging on the wall in the kitchen. Isaac pointed at it and said "Mom, what's that." I think I somewhat embarrassed him, unintentionally of course, when I laughed out loud and told him that it was where you plug in a phone.
The purpose of this little story is to provide an example of the world in which our future leaders live. Many children live in homes without landlines and a rotary phone might as well be a dinosaur. Technology is everywhere in our homes and schools. Teachers in all levels of education create their lessons, enter their grades, and communicate with parents and students via the internet, facebook, text messaging, and other social networking applications. I once worked in a school district where the server burned in a small electric fire. Everyone was beside themselves, because we couldn't get emails from administrators, post grades for students, or worst of all, make a phone call! The phones were all run through the server! I was taking parent messages on my mobile phone!
The internet, computers, and projectors have become almost commonplace in the classrooms of both child and adult learners. I think it would be safe to say that the future of instructional technology and technology in education will incorporate more social networking, blogging, and new innovative applications. Although there is much to be said for the structure and patience that come with the learning from a good book, when learners have access to the classroom in the palms of their hands, what teacher wouldn't want to use it?
The purpose of this little story is to provide an example of the world in which our future leaders live. Many children live in homes without landlines and a rotary phone might as well be a dinosaur. Technology is everywhere in our homes and schools. Teachers in all levels of education create their lessons, enter their grades, and communicate with parents and students via the internet, facebook, text messaging, and other social networking applications. I once worked in a school district where the server burned in a small electric fire. Everyone was beside themselves, because we couldn't get emails from administrators, post grades for students, or worst of all, make a phone call! The phones were all run through the server! I was taking parent messages on my mobile phone!
The internet, computers, and projectors have become almost commonplace in the classrooms of both child and adult learners. I think it would be safe to say that the future of instructional technology and technology in education will incorporate more social networking, blogging, and new innovative applications. Although there is much to be said for the structure and patience that come with the learning from a good book, when learners have access to the classroom in the palms of their hands, what teacher wouldn't want to use it?
Dick, Carey, & Carey Model of Instruction Revised
This image is a revised graphic of the Dick, Carey, and Carey Model of Instruction. The two changes that I saw necessary were the "write performance objectives" and "revise instruction" segments of the model. Although these tasks are both necessary, it seemed that the development of performance objectives is certainly important if they are ever to be written, a task that should be implied. In regard to the revision of instruction, it may be an opinion on which most educators would agree that revisions tend to be followed by adaptations. Naturally these efforts are all made to meet the needs of the students.

Defining Instructional Technology
Instructional technology is the creation, utilization, and implementation of technological resources in an ethical, learner-centered setting. Specifically in public school, the instruction of technology must incorporate the training and development of a staff prepared to utilize and enhance what forms of technology are actually available as well as providing students with opportunities to enhance technological skills on which many have been building since early childhood.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
ETEC 561 Blog
I have never created a blog before, but I have always enjoyed those created by friends. I think this is going to be a great way to diplay our work throughout the course. I look forward to viewing the blogs of my classmates.
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